
(Community Matters) Lots of fun in Houston tonight. Our hosts, Becca & John Thrash, and their home exquisite. Becca often cited as the new Lynn Wyatt; I’d object to the comparison and say she’s her own fabulous self with south Texas authenticity & hospitality, just at ease among NYC blue book & European royalty chums. Earlier with Kirk Rudy popped into his mom’s 21st floor home overlooking Houston’s museum district & downtown, an eclectic gallery of fine contemporary art itself. (photo: Kirk Rudy, Becca Thrash and Ambassador Stan McLelland)

One response to “Houston

  1. Becca Cason ThrashHere’s the link to the preview in the Houston Chron:http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/hotstories/5916298.html

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