Daily Archives: 08/03/2008

Shareholder and Corporate Lawsuits

(Community Matters) Why aren’t corporations and shareholders suing former managers who cashed out on billions in compensation based on distorted performance measures, now proven to have lost many more billions in shareholder value?

And, I completely think NOT to deregulation of bank holding companies as being requested by private equity firms! Let’s see if Paulson is a fox in hen drag after all.

Hold Your Horses

(Community Matters) Wait just a cotton-pickin’ minute. Let’s discuss whether or not we want to be a repository for carbon dioxide here before our privatize-at-all-costs, fuck-it-up and get-the-hell-out-of-dodge before-the-chickens-come-home-to-roost, all while making a shit-load-of-money GOP leadership team makes this decision for the rest of us. Wow, just realizing George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Rick Perry et al are uniquely qualified to run Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac or any number of national financial institutions.

I‘m not saying this can’t work. But, I’m hoping we can see studies from independent scientists on the long term effects of underground carbon dioxide storage before launching a major new initiative