Daily Archives: 08/04/2008

MD Anderson

(Community Matters)
In Houston today with Michael and Robert for Michael’s diagnostics visit. Felt a little strange driving to Houston while others driving away, avoiding the hurricane. Hoping to get out tonight or first thing in the morning. Posted from by blackberry.

The Clean House & Chickens

(Community Matters) Saw Zach Scott’s The Clean House this afternoon with Steven, Michael, Tana & Joe. Loved it. Barbara Chisholm especially knocked it out of the park as Virginia. The entire cast did a super job. Well written, directed and staged. I see it’s been extended until August 31. More information here.

Steven and I had a St. James Connection dinner after, at the home of Elizabeth and Jerele Neeld. Exquisite hosts and super connecting with the rest of this group too – old friends Rev Ed & Karen Hartwell as well as new friends: Sam Hudson & Ed, Susan Fullilove and Pam Hurt & Vickie Samuelson. We missed our two members who couldn’t be there: Marylou Adams and James Williams. (fyi for mutual friends of Marylou, she’s doing well and was at church yesterday).

I made a peach cobbler for the dinner. Hmm, loved the stock but not enthralled with the crust Southern Cuisine recipe. I have not been able to find a favorite peach cobbler recipe. Anyone?

The roasted fresh chicken I prepared earlier for lunch was outstanding. I know I’m a broken record on this but nothing like Countryside Farms fresh chickens – well maybe Boggie Creek & Alexander Family Farms. This time I brined* the chicken for 2 hours prior to roasting. Starting out at 500F for 5 minutes (then 425F for 35 mins) ensured a perfectly browned & crispy skin with meat so juicy, sweet & wonderfully salted I was speechless.

Sebastien’s chicken’s aren’t inexpensive (double price of non-free range/organic in grocery) but totally worth it. (The hand slaughtering method is critical. A quick kill and bleeding impacts flavor, as does whether they use cold or hot water to remove feathers – cold better. Store bought kosher chickens next best.) I don’t buy everything organic but definitely do grass fed & free range chicken, beef & lamb. Vegetables – increasingly purchasing them at weekend farmer’s markets where many of the prices are now competitive with nonorganics in grocery stores – I suspect because of transportation costs in grocers. Also, increasingly I’m trying to cook seasonally & regionally, i.e, what’s available from nearby farms, when it’s available (a la Alice Waters). *used Cooks Illustrated recommended brine.