Daily Archives: 08/07/2008


(Community Matters) I’m behind on periodicals. Just getting to yesterday’s Maureen Dowd column. Iago, Othello and Cassio obsession. Bill Clinton’s, Jesse Jackson’s and John Edwards’ envy of the new kid on the block. McCain even greener with envy. Bill’s runaway self-obsession – still pouting because we now make him count those mullets (being called out for injecting racism through his comments). Jesse Jackson’s on “keeping whites on the hook.” Edwards, anything to the tabloid love child stories anyway? McCain no longer the dashing, handsome war hero – rendered to disgruntled school yard bully. Now only if the campaign can show Obama down off that mountain and a regular guy – though not too regular. I’m going out on a limb here but think he’s gotta talk to those “angry white guys” and let them know he’s as much guy as black.

Back to Houston

(Community Matters) Michael, Robert & I are headed back to Houston for results of Monday’s tests. Happened to run into Michael’s Austin oncologist this morning who asked if we’d yet heard back. Good timing, since I planned to research what markers we could hope to find after the first 3 cycles. Dr. Fain said to look for properly sized lymph nodes, 0.7 to 1 cm, or no detection at all (I’m not 100% sure on this but think he was telling me that cancer-inactive lymph nodes might not show up on the PET scan at all). Such a super duper guy. Really glad Michael selected to work with him locally.

rats, thought about hiring a driver/bartender in case occassion to celebrate. Well, maybe next time

Time: Have the Clinton’s Gotten Over It

(Community Matters) Time’s article on Clintons and their followers’ feelings here.

Of course, I don’t know what Pres. Clinton and Hillary are feeling. Though, I have spoken with supporters in town and heard reports on national supporters. It’s regrettable that some feelings are still raw. Spoke with a female Clinton supporter at the event for Betty Dunkerley. She’s torn between McCain and Obama. I’m told a group of nationally involved, local women are saying they will not vote in the race if Hillary isn’t the vice presidential candidate. Others including her Texas State Director, Garry Mauro, and Texas Hillary fundraisers are showing their support by attending fundraisers and raising money for Obama. The article says the Obama campaign hasn’t met its commitment to raise $500,000 for Hillary’s debt, but they have. Sure hope we will all come together soon. If not, spoilers could jeopardize the election.

Cherokee Chief Chad Smith

(Community Matters) I forgot to blog about Cherokee Chief Chad Smith and his wife Bobbi Gail. I enjoyed meeting them. They were surprised to learn I’d been in their neighborhood just the week prior. Chief Smith is serving his third term leading the Cherokee Nation.

Bishop John McCarthy

(Community Matters) While waiting on my lunch date at Chez Zee today, I was seated next to Bishop John McCarthy. Though we’d seen each other at the Anti-Defamation League dinner in February, we hadn’t really spoken in quite some time. He’s doing great. Spending most of his time at St. Edwards, Seton and Hospice Austin. Still preaching many Sundays as a visiting priest. Living in his same home. Seemed in very good spirits. Accused me of getting old!

Which reminds me. The other day I was looking at the toy shelf in Wheatsville Coop. A young woman (probably mid 20s) says, “that so cute.” I asked what she meant. She said she assumed I was buying toys for my GRANDchildren!