
(Community Matters) I’m behind on periodicals. Just getting to yesterday’s Maureen Dowd column. Iago, Othello and Cassio obsession. Bill Clinton’s, Jesse Jackson’s and John Edwards’ envy of the new kid on the block. McCain even greener with envy. Bill’s runaway self-obsession – still pouting because we now make him count those mullets (being called out for injecting racism through his comments). Jesse Jackson’s on “keeping whites on the hook.” Edwards, anything to the tabloid love child stories anyway? McCain no longer the dashing, handsome war hero – rendered to disgruntled school yard bully. Now only if the campaign can show Obama down off that mountain and a regular guy – though not too regular. I’m going out on a limb here but think he’s gotta talk to those “angry white guys” and let them know he’s as much guy as black.

One response to “Maureen

  1. Assuming you read the NYT David Brooks column from yesterday (I think). Really thought it might have nailed one of the big problems between Obama and large portions of the electorate. I don’t always agree with Brooks, but this one seemed particularly insightful. On your other post, I am still feeling surprised by the Clinton reaction to Obama’s nomination. As they desperately try to protect and cement their legacy, they teeter on utterly destroying it. They are acting as spoilers in this election cycle and, as much affinity as I have for their efforts, I will never forgive them if they continue to carry-on with this truly childish political behavior (realizing, of course, that much of political behavior is childish – see current McCain campaign tactics for good examples).

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