Executive Principals

(Community Matters) Attended a lunch briefing during by Dr. Pat Forgoine, AISD Superintendent on How to Scale Academic Performance. We reviewed the success of an intensive initiative to improve student performance at Pecan Elementary – from a poor performing elementary school to a recognized school in just three years. Marie (the principal, apologies b/c I arrived a tad late and never caught her last name) described the metrics, frequent student assessment and team put in place. Pat recognized Marie’s talents and promoted her to Executive Principal so she can help principals at 6 other elementary schools similarly achieve. Excellent story and smart of Pat to systemitize this success. We also discussed the recently implemented merit compensation plan which distributed over $1,000,000 in performance bonuses this last school year. The session sponsored by Applied Materials and the KDK-Harman Foundation, both organizations important supporters of Pecan Elementary.

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