Extra Long Day

(Community Matters) Very focused day today. From first stirring at 5 (slept a little late) until hitting send, then dashing off to Highway Home & Them auditions, was laser focused on our board packets for tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs Foundation board meeting. The rub is that I personally reconcile the organization’s books and cash flows prior to every board meeting. And, I review all quarterly metric reports on equity & cash grants, volunteerism, new initiatives (breast cancer project, affordable housing, a CSR conference, our 10th anniversary), fundraising and board development. Of course, Amanda, Alyson, Samantha and Marion each spend a lot of time getting us to this point. Nevertheless, takes a lot to wade through all the information to prioritize our 90 minutes and summarize the information for the board packets.

Guess I also spent a bit of time on Denver logistics. I won’t be attending the first night of the Convention but will arrive on Tuesday.

And, our second day of auditions for Michael Mitchell’s Highway Home & Them. Yesterday and this afternoon at Salvage Vanguard Theatre auditioning actors for two of the four parts. Also a bit of time in the theatre with Katie Pearl (our director) and Michael imagining how to use the space. We’re eager to get our set designer on board. After auditions, M, Katie and I back here for notes on the scripts, a light dinner and a bit of catching up. Broke about an hour ago. Tired but wired. So sorry I missed Steven’s cousins and their three, great kids at dinner tonight. I’ll make it up over swimming and dinner Wednesday.

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