AISD Funding

(Community Matters) Gotta agree with Convio’s Gene Austin who, writing as Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce Education Chair, urges support for a slight tax increase for AISD to reward teachers and pay for skyrocketing expenses such as fuel and transportation. here

Yesterday, Dr. Forgoine noted that 1) AISD tax assessments were the lowest in Central Texas and 2) every cent of the average $240.00 -ish increase in school taxes this last year was captured entirely by the state, leaving AISD not a dime for escalating costs or teacher pay raises.

One response to “AISD Funding

  1. If they cut out the waste, put more money into the classroom versus administration, cut the number of assistant principals that do very little to nothing and hold teachers accountable with a merit program across the district, and let parents choose the school that is best for their child, then maybe. But as long as we reward mediocrity, I’d prefer to invest my money in results.

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