On Being Magnanimous

(Community Matters) After lamenting with a friend how someone we were discussing was, unfortunately, stingy sharing credit and agreeing how this was holding her back, in a later conversation I admitted to another friend that it’s easy to be generous with credit and praise when we ourselves feel appropriately acknowledged and appreciated. so, first revelation was, wow, she must not be feeling enough acknowledgment or credit. Then of course is the bad side, acknowledgment, appreciation and recognition are like sugar, they can become addictive and one’s appetite keeps increasing.

Completely different thought, nevertheless in line with my belief that a sense of power should be added to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: In trying to understand senseless violence and apparently random rudeness, I’ve come to see these acts within the context of understanding (no, not excusing) how some go to drastic lengths to feel some sense of power, especially in completely disempowering worlds.

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