Daily Archives: 08/20/2008

An Important piece on the polls

(Community Matters) I don’t know Robert Arena’s work, but trust the recommendation of John Aravosis who runs Americablog.

He’s saying 1) the polls show the race in a dead heat, 2) McCain has solidified 87% of the Republican vote, Obama just 82% of the Democratic vote, with 18% of former Hillary supporters supporting McCain, 3) personal abilities and experience cited as worrisome for Barack, 4) 46% of independent voters indicate they could switch between candidates, and 5) voters are concerned aobut McCain’s stand on the economy and foreign policy but as well about Barack’s experience. This all from a Pew Poll of registered voters (i.e., not likely) and methodology adopted to account for non-land line registered voters. His assessment is that GOP has been very effective at making Democratic candidates for president look weak and that’s what we have to overcome. Full posting here.

Encroaching on Each Others’ Conventions

(Community Matters) I was under the impression that candidates generally gave each other a pass during the week of each convention. Now we’re hearing McCain will announce his VP pick the day after Obama’s acceptance (we’re also hearing his first three choices were vetoed by the national GOP). No doubt intended to blunt any bounce, just another sign of deteriorating civility in American politics. Since gentlemanly tradition appears off, I suggest Obama consider announcing cabinet nominees on Sept 5. He could start with Hillary Clinton as his nominee for Secretary of State.

During the next eight weeks until the election, he could announce others including General Colin Powell as Secretary of Defense, Madeline Albright as National Security Advisor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Secretary of Homeland Security, Robert Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Commerce, Senator Chuck Hagel as the Attorney General and Bill Richardson as Ambassador to the United Nations.

Obama Campaign

(Community Matters) I’ve been lucky to work with super local leaders (Kirk Rudy, Alexa Wesner, John Thornton and Juan Sepulveda working with the campaign’s Adrienne Donato) in our Obama fundraising. They and so many friends/Obama supporters have made it possible for me to exceed my $100,000 original commitment as a National Leadership Council member. Surprised and honored to have received an invite today from Penny Pritzker to join Obama’s National Finance Committee. So, I’m signed on and now challenged to raise $300k.