Encroaching on Each Others’ Conventions

(Community Matters) I was under the impression that candidates generally gave each other a pass during the week of each convention. Now we’re hearing McCain will announce his VP pick the day after Obama’s acceptance (we’re also hearing his first three choices were vetoed by the national GOP). No doubt intended to blunt any bounce, just another sign of deteriorating civility in American politics. Since gentlemanly tradition appears off, I suggest Obama consider announcing cabinet nominees on Sept 5. He could start with Hillary Clinton as his nominee for Secretary of State.

During the next eight weeks until the election, he could announce others including General Colin Powell as Secretary of Defense, Madeline Albright as National Security Advisor, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger as Secretary of Homeland Security, Robert Rubin as Secretary of the Treasury, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Commerce, Senator Chuck Hagel as the Attorney General and Bill Richardson as Ambassador to the United Nations.

One response to “Encroaching on Each Others’ Conventions

  1. Robert Gates, the incumbent, should stay on as Sec of Defense under Obama. He’s the only person in the Bush administration who has a lick of sense.

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