Day 2 Underway

(Community Matters) so, the trading gets underway. . . .

Each morning you’re presented with credentials for the day. Today’s package for me & Bo included tickets to a 10am campaign briefing, the 9 to noon celebration of the Biden nomination, access to to Pepsi Sky Grill Lounge and special guest Pepsi Hall passes. Hey, definitely not looking a gift horse in the mouth. Thrilled to have entry, especially to include Bo as a guest. Now, the fun is to trade up access and seating, so start making calls finding who has what extra, securing this and that from some parties, trading for even better seating and lounge access tonight. Have three guardian angles who have gone to work looking for us 🙂

Attending a 2pm DNC LGBT reception. Then, a dear friend is including us in an intimate coffee with New York Governor Patterson this afternoon. This should be cool. Promised no direct fundraising asks. Though, of course, there’s that ambition more long term. Wouldn’t attend if wasn’t a supporter and if I didn’t plan to contribute to his campaign in the future.

Who knows what’ll pop up after and before tonight’s convention. But, there’s no lack of opportunity for the willing.

Will post results 🙂

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