Daily Archives: 08/30/2008

(Community Matters)

newest Obama ad here


A Few More

(Community Matters) A few more pics, these from Steve Adler (except the last)

me with Bo Smith

More Pics from Denver

(Community Matters) Some pics from Denver

Oprah & Kayne at Thursday’s after party with Barack & Joe Biden

Lynn Meredith at the after party

Tommie Meredith & Marc Winkelman

I’ve forgotten all the names but includes Secr. Bob Reich, Bo (second from end) and Uncle Chuck (Winkelman)

Arrived quite early

New York Governor Patterson & Alexa Wesner

Congressman Lloyd & Libby Doggett at the Biden party after Wednesday’s convention

Rev Jessie Jackson

Biden comes out on the stage Wed night

President Bill Clinton Wed night

Best Wishes

(Community Matters) Stephen Walls & Denny Biggs were married on Friday. They’ve been together about as long as us. We joined them at their commitment ceremony several years ago and were with them in spirit today as they married in San Diego.

They are very dear. Can’t wait for the lucky tot who decides to adopt these two as dad.

Bertha Means

(Community Matters) The LA Times profiling our dear friend Bertha Means, one of the founders of our church, St. James Episcopal, here.

Mrs. Means is a real inspiration. I’m not sure how she felt when Steven and I first started attending the, then, 80% African American church as an out gay couple. However she was always gracious and welcoming and has become a very dear friend. Several years ago we sat down and discussed her life, especially as a young mother raising children and doing what she could to shield them from discrimination while inspiring them to achieve their dreams. She has and continues to contribute to the greatness of her communities, not only in Texas but also in Africa where her daughter lived and where she established a sister city program.


(Community Matters)