Monthly Archives: October 2008

Kay Hagan v Elizabeth Dole

(Community Matters) You go girl!

gotta love her. I’ve already contributed but after seeing this, have to do a wee bit more (don’t tell Steven!). You can too here

Grand Rapids, Michigan

(Community Matters) Kirk Rudy and I are off to Grand Rapids this morning; Amy will join us tomorrow. Haylie Rudy is working for Obama and in charge of GOTV in Grand Rapids. We’ll be knocking on doors all weekend. Governor Granholm kicking off the canvassing Saturday morning. I suspect Kirk will sneak away to watch the UT game that evening. Hmm, maybe a chance for Amy & me to run out to the lake house for a couple of hours.

We’ll drive into Chicago on Tuesday evening.

Prop 8

(Community Matters) The California referendum to overturn same sex marriage is cataclysmic. Polls have gone from against (which is my position, i.e., not overturning gay marriage) at +8 to 10, to -5 last week back to +4, even or slightly below. Who to believe?

The Mormon Church has poured money into this race and so have (on the other side) unions, corporations, celebrities, fair-minded Americans from all over the country. The Right cyber attacked No on Prop 8’s website on Wednesday night, preventing online contributions (Florida’s was attacted yesterday). This has just further infuriated supporters. I’m on a list serve with gay lesbian leaders from around the country. Tim Gill immediately donated another $30k. Tens of others donating similarly, albeit most in slightly lesser amounts (I did too – regrettably at a significantly reduced amount). However, one wonderful lesbian couple who’d saved up money for a formal wedding donated their $50k to No on Prop 8 instead. For now, I think the Nos have the financial advantage but they won’t if another call goes out from the Mormon Church, which it will.


(Community Matters) from Andrew’s site, Karl Rove’s latest map showing “the race tightening” a bit but too late and Obama already with enough states to win (311 electoral votes)

I’m not sure I read the trend as tightening. Looks to me back to widening.

The Quorum Report

(Community Matters) Attended a KUT donor luncheon yesterday featuring Quorum Report’s Harvey Kronberg. Retired State Senator Ray Farabee introduced Harvey (Ray by the way just published his memoirs).

Interesting presentation, lots of insightful wit and historical perspective. I take exception with a few citations, especially his recent polling information and know he’s confused about Hillary touring the Valley this week for Rick Noriega, that was three or so weeks ago, though he’s right, she is still helping (a la yesterday’s conference call). Harvey is bullish on Dems winning 4 House seats which reconciles with other information I’m receiving. He’s bearish about Senate seats and the Supreme Court. And, he’s a lot less optimistic about Harris County’s turning blue than any other operative I’m talking with. Additionally, cites stats indicating low youth turnout in Harris County early voting. Interesting that I (and friends) can’t find any good stats on this, though observational data says otherwise – I’m not a fan of “observational data” and appreciate the challenge of this information. Friends in the Obama campaign are now looking into this. I’ve asked it of Travis County officials too. Interesting opinions on both sides all over the web.

I hadn’t heard how the Senate has basically stripped Dewhurst of his authority. Evidently final-straw pushed by an over-the-top attack Dewhurst initiated against Whitmire during the Vote ID debate, Republican and Democratic state senators came together to cut him.

Lots of friends in attendance including Mary Margaret Farabee, Lynn Meredith, Chris Mattson, Brigid Shea, Robin Shivers, Alyson Suttle, Sandy Dochen, Ben Bentzin and Lydia Agraz.

I’m sure this line is older than me, but don’t think I’ve heard it – “Austin, 20 sq miles surrounded by reality.”

Quote of the Day

(Community Matters) “This is the only job I’ve got, and I’m trying to save it,” Goolsby said. “Obama’s got people coming from the rafters.” Republican Texas House Member Tony Goolsby, Dallas (chairman of House Administrative Committee)

Steven Up and Away

(Community Matters) Steven’s off to NYC this am for a quick gig, back very late tonight. Hope we’re up together at least a couple of hours before I depart to campaign in Michigan tomorrow.

The Set

(Community Matters) Production meeting last night to review plans for STILL FOUNTAINS set. Very cool. I have a pic but have been threatened if I post – rats!

The plays launch 11/29 – opening night reserved for family and sponsors. Tickets for the run available here.

Conference Calls

(Community Matters) My life is pretty full of conference calls and two of yesterday’s were especially cool. In the am, Hillary Clinton hosted a call to talk about Rick Noriega’s campaign. She was good, and then she dropped the talking points, then she was great! Super political instincts and very enthusiastic about Rick’s race.

Late afternoon, Barack Obama joined our weekly NFC call. Very enthusiastic and emphatic that we all keep doing everything we are doing up to and including Nov 4. Says everything could turn on a dime and we needed to double down, not let up.


Con Mi Madre

Community Matters) Joined Janet Harman and Jennifer Esterline on a KDK Foundation site visit yesterday to talk with staff and adult participants in Con Mi Madre, until recently a Junior League program established in 1992 as the Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program.

The program increases Hispanic women’s participation in higher education through middle and high school support for young women and their mothers. Over 1,800 mother-daughter teams have gone through the program with 70% of its 478 graduates graduating into higher education. And, the program has awarded over $100k in college scholarships to 117 young women. Quite touching to hear from 7 mom’s what the program has meant to their daughters, themselves and their families.

I’ve long heard of this program since Cookie Ruiz helped launch it in Austin while she was Jr. League president. She still serves on the all-star board along with Karen Kahan (pres.), Bobby Garcia, Laura Wolf, Sylvia Acevedo, MariBen Ramsey and others. Enjoyed meeting and impressed by Con Mi Madre staff including executive director Sandy Segura Alcala, Sonia Castellanos and Leonor Vargas.

Two Old Broads

(Community Matters) Two womenfriends for 60 years – blogging about Sarah Palin, George Bush and John McCain.

Well imagine my shock and surprise today when I came across this little item. The latest polls show that only 55% of Americans think that Sarah Palin is not qualified to be President. 55%! FIFTY FIVE PERCENT! This about the woman whose best qualification for the job to date is that she can see Russia from her house. So what exactly does Sarah Palin have to do before the other 45% of this country is shocked enough to realize that she is a “whack job”? Please Lord don’t tell me she has to show her hoo-ha in public.

Dad & Uncle Adolph, don’t even think about it!

Hat Tip: Andrew Sullivan

McCain’s Choice

(Community Matters)