Daily Archives: 09/04/2008

Equal Time to Republican Pundits

(Community Matters) Would love to hear a conservative’s take on this

The Selection of Sarah Palin

(Community Matters) John Thornton’s McCain Biopic: The Selection of Sarah Palin. Too funny

David Plouffe

(Community Matters) David Plouffe makes a good point

we still haven’t gotten a single idea during the entire Republican convention about the economy and how to lift a middle class so harmed by the Bush-McCain policies.

Nate Silver on Palin’s Speech

(Community Matters) 538’s Nate Silver on Palin’s speech:

Virtually all of the conservative commentariat, and a greater-than-would-care-to-admit-it share of the liberal commentariat think that Sarah Palin hit a home run tonight. I guess I’m just going to have to stick my neck out (along with Josh Marshall) and disagree.

You can tar-and-feather me with this later if I’m wrong. I will make this disclaimer: I’m not necessarily offering a prediction about how the polls are going to move over the next several days. Almost all conventions produce bounces, and this one probably will too (though whether it comes from Palin’s speech rather than McCain’s, or Fred Thompson’s or Rudy Giuliani’s, we probably won’t be able to tell). But I don’t think the speech will be effective beyond the very near term (the next 3-7 days) at moving votes in McCain’s direction, if it moves them at all. And here’s why: continued here

GOP Convention (Wed)

(Community Matters) All about throwing the audience red meat

Sarah Palin solicited lots of applause and chants from GOP convention attendees.  She’s not without a down home charm  She just carried on Giuliani’s mean spiritedness.  I don’t think this is what the American people will vote for.  I still wonder if she’ll survive the full vetting process we’re told is currently underway.Looking forward to hearing more about her attendance at the anti-semitic sermon at her church last week as well her husband’s membership in the secessionist party.

Giuliani, good god he’s horrible.  He’s bringing out the very worst in his audience and proud of it.  There is so much undisguised hypocrisy.  This person who espouses family values and who’s children can hardly stand him.  The man who so publicly humiliated his wife.  Standard bearer for the Republican party?