Daily Archives: 09/10/2008

Obama on Education

(Community Matters) Obama’s education plan is informed by his real experience overseeing a $150 million philanthropic investment in Chicago schools.

Expanding early childhood education, supporting charter schools, closing failing schools and focus on teacher quality, these are some of the quite well-informed positions Barack is promoting in his education policy initiatives.

The White House says McCain doesn’t think we should spend more on education than we already are. Additionally, the McCain campaign talks about certifying tutoring companies, performance- based teacher pay and vouchers but otherwise playing a limited role in education. In no way am I supportive of spending with out real reform, but we can’t afford not to reform and invest in education.

Two Fountains

(Community Matters) Hosted dinner and a reading of Michael Mitchell’s two plays, Highway Home and Them, which ABPorter.org is producing at the Salvage Vanguard Theatre in Nov/December. Award-winning Katie Pearl is directing. Natalie George is the production manager. Yvonne Boudreaux has joined us as set and costume designer. And, a terrific cast: Jude Hickey, Gina Houston, Garry Peters and Douglas Taylor.

We’ll announce how to purchase tickets later this month.

Sante Ventures

(Community Matters) Regret that I missed the opening of Sante Ventures offices yesterday evening. I have to send something today in celebration of their milestone. Kudos to managing directors Kevin Lalande, Doug French and Joe Cunningham – super duper group of guys.

Sante: a new venture capital firm with deep healthcare investment experience. Our founding premise is simple: we partner with exceptional entrepreneurs and executives to build uncommonly valuable healthcare companies. In addition to capital, we provide healthcare domain expertise, an extensive network of contacts and singular industry focus. Santé invests exclusively in early-stage medical technology, healthcare services and healthcare IT companies.

Today’s Polls

(Community Matters) Nate told us to anticipate even more bounce today, but nothing like the 20 point lead in North Carolina. He caution that it’s probably an outlier, yet still, even if it is 10pts. Polls also showing some negative movement in New Jersey. Perhaps NC not in play after all but other battleground states remain. posting here