Daily Archives: 04/15/2011

The Royal Wedding

(Community Matters) T-Mobile gone viral

Vodpod videos no longer available.

$68k for a Family of Four

(Community Matters) to live a very basic middle class lifestyle without any frills (no cable, no movies, no dinning out) but with minimal emergency and retirement savings. NPR story here

Transportation and childcare costs often exceed housing costs for two earner families of four.


(Community Matters) Janet Maykus’ Inkydinkyparlezvous has become a .net (was .com)

Janet is sorta like Carrie Bradshaw and her blog is sorta like Carrie’s column, Sex in the City if Carrie was growing into middle age, with three teen boys, plus the realities of raising a family and making a living. She calls it Inkydinkyparlezvous; I call it brilliant.

I’m not really sure Janet has any right to complain. Late one night while a bunch of us were shooting tequila and drinking beers on the terrace of the Rock Hudson suite at the Paisano Hotel in Marfa, she confided a family secret to us. Not sure anyone that lucky has any right to complain.