Daily Archives: 04/09/2009


(Community Matters) Steven and I are really lucky to usually be invited to several Seders. We’ve learned to simply accept the first invite since we’d have a great time at any of the friends’. This year, we joined the Rudys – Amy, Kirk, Ellie, Sam & Alex (missed you Haylie) – and another 30 or so friends, many quite young.

apologies up front – I forgot my camera so relying on the blackberry:

super combination of seriousness and levity. bounced around a bit while reading the Haggadah, which is my preferred form 🙂

Liz McDaniel Watson, Gwen Watson, Andy Pastor & Janice Falik

Since Amy was sweet enough to ask me to place people, I was a wee bit selfish, seating myself next to Janice Falick (Kirk’s mom) and Steven next to Jim Falick (Kirk’s stepdad) – we adore these two. Also loved meeting Liz McDaniel Watson’s mom, Gwen. It was Cooper Watson’s first time at a Seder.

First time I’ve met Robert Hersch who’s seems as fun as Kate. Their kids are a total hoot too. Andy & Laura Pastor’s boys are way too cute – an 8 year old and two younger twins, all boys.

Lots of young people, I think 14 or 15, ranging in age from 3 to 15. Plus Sam Rudy and Kristen at 17; Sam soon to be @ the University of Colorado.

Leave it to Amy to weave in fun rituals – there was a Passover pinata too; the kids loved it.

OFA – Organizing For America

(Community Matters) President Obama is calling up the millions of volunteers and supporters who elected him, establishing OFA as the grassroots troops to help him make the changes he promised voters.

We’re off to a super start in Texas.  Luke Hayes has returned to Austin as our statewide director of OFA.
Luke ran field ops in Mayor Will Wynn’s reelection campaign and then on the Texas staff for then Senator Obama’s Texas primary campaign.  He was second in command in Virginia during the general election where he and his team won the state.
Met with Luke and a few friends over lunch.  Very excited he’s agreed to return to Texas.


(Community Matters) My comments today at the press conference for Brewster McCracken for Mayor

We’re fortunate to have two progressive candidates running for mayor.   So the choice before us is less about political philosophy and more about vision and direction.  Where do we want Austin to go in the future, and who can best lead us?  I and many other progressive Austinites believe Brewster has the clearest vision for Austin’s future. 

Brewster McCracken’s progressive credentials?  1) Brewster was the first mayoral candidate to endorse Barack Obama during the Texas primary,  2) He led overturning the city charter ban against domestic partner benefits and stood against the Texas constitutional amendment discriminating against gays & lesbians in marriage, 3) he has led creation of the collaboration known as the Pecan Street Project – not joined, followed or falsely claimed credit for – but Brewster has called the meetings, set the agenda & established success metrics for the audacious project for Austin to lead this country in green energy.  

And, that’s the vision thing.   

Our candidate realizes that in addition to maintaining essential city services now is the time to build our clean energy cluster, to attract new major employers to replace the tens of thousands of lost jobs, and to create new jobs that will allow us to maintain our quality of life without raising taxes.  

Brewster gets it.  

We don’t have to worry about his progressive instincts or his proactiveness keeping Austin great.  Brewster gets it.  These are instinctive to him. 

Happy Yontev

(Community Matters)

Wishing everyone a Happy Passover.

Steven & Eugene